Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Some research I have done for the lighthouse I will be creating



Lighthouses are normally structured like a tower and built onshore.

They are show warnings to mariners that they are close to shore or of other hazards by showing their position near to the shore and directing the ships to the nearest port.


Lighthouses in the medieval era were normally operated by burning wood, coal or torches to show a light or smoke.

Lighthouses normally have a distinctive colour or shape showing the ship that is approaching that it is indeed a lighthouse.

The Lighthouses that were built in the medieval era were normally made out of stone and wood with a flag or making banner or the country/group of people who made constructer the lighthouse.


Light houses were very rare in the medieval era and were left unused allot of the time and the people used churches and chapels on the coast more often.

This was used allot more in Great Britain.


Some Lighthouses were built out in the open sea to show that they were coming into territory of a group of people.

Lighthouses were also used for bacons to show if they needed help.


Allot of lighthouses in the medieval era collapsed because they were not looked after or because of the crashing waves hitting the side of the lighthouse.



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