Tuesday, 19 January 2016

My rules and research I did for my Assignment 4 week 2 concepts of a horror troll

Horror Troll


1.       The troll must look scary

2.       The troll must be tall
3.       The troll must be hairy



A troll is a supernatural being in Norse mythology and Scandinavian folklore.

A troll in many circumstances is seen as a negative being that dwell in isolated areas for example around rocky mountainous areas.

Depending on the region of the troll its appearance differs. The troll may be very ugly with scars and boils on their body and face and they may be very slow-witted but they also may look just like a human with nothing wrong with them.



Horror is a genre of film or game that is supposed to make the watcher/player feel uneasy or scared. Horror often deals with nightmares or fear by using entities that would scare someone who is playing or watching for example take a something that the user does not like, Ghosts for example and this would make him/her scared of the film or game making a very good horror game/film

Horror has changed so much through the years. A few years ago movies that were scary are not classified as scary now because of the visual effects that were used back then are now dated and not as scary where as if you watch a horror movie now you will probably be scared or disgusted by how graphic or how scary the film/game is because of how enhanced the technology has become.


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